Nká»wa nsogbu ngwaahịa  Buru ụzá» debanye aha, á» bụrụ na edeghị aha, pịa ebe a ka ịdebanye aha, wee laghachi na akwụkwá» ikike. Nká»wa nke okwu ahụ<br/> <div> <br/></div> <p>(á» bụrụ na á» bụ chlorinator nnu ma á» bụ sel, gụnyere</p> <p>Koodu mperi</p> <p>Ozi mgbapụta- Ụdị, ụdị, ike inyinya, á»sá»</p> <p>A na-agba á»sá» awa ole awa kwa ụbá»chị?</p> <p>Ezigbo okpomá»kụ mmiri á»dá» mmiri)</p> Rich Text Editor, editorEditor toolbarsDocument Source Save New Page Preview Print TemplatesClipboard/Undo CutKeyboard shortcut Ctrl+X CopyKeyboard shortcut Ctrl+C PasteKeyboard shortcut Ctrl+V Paste as plain textKeyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+Shift+V Paste from Word UndoKeyboard shortcut Ctrl+Z RedoKeyboard shortcut Ctrl+YEditing Find Replace Select All Spell Check As You TypeForms Form Checkbox Radio Button Text Field Textarea Selection Field Button Image Button Hidden FieldBasic Styles BoldKeyboard shortcut Ctrl+B ItalicKeyboard shortcut Ctrl+I UnderlineKeyboard shortcut Ctrl+U Strikethrough Subscript Superscript Copy FormattingKeyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+C Remove FormatParagraph Insert/Remove Numbered List Insert/Remove Bulleted List Decrease Indent Increase Indent Block Quote Create Div Container Align Left Center Align Right Justify Text direction from left to right Text direction from right to left Set languageLinks LinkKeyboard shortcut Ctrl+K Unlink AnchorInsert Image Flash Table Insert Horizontal Line Smiley Insert Special Character Insert Page Break for Printing IFrameStylesStylesStylesFormatFormatFontFontSizeSizeColors Text Color Background ColorTools Maximize Show Blocksabout About CKEditor 4Press ALT 0 for help Otu esi agba njiká» vidiyo Nduzi ka esi eme vidiyo akwụkwá» ikikePịa ebe a Salt Chlorinator Cell PCB Nnu chlorinator Ndị á»zá» + Akụká» Nnwale Ọdá» mmiri* Há»rá» faịlụ Vidiyo* Ngosipụta nchá»pụta á» bụla 1 ma á» bụ 2 nkeji ka agbanyere sistemu (TUPU á»kụ njehie abịa) maka á»gụgụ ziri ezi. Há»rá» faịlụ Nbulite foto ndị á»zá»* Há»rá» ihe onyonyo a buru ụzá», wee pịa bulite bulite há»rá» Nyefee, biko chere...